Paying advance taxes is one among the simplest ways to form sure that you simply don’t need to pay a considerable amount of income tax at the top of the year. If you select to step on this course of action, then you’ll need to pay your tax whenever you earn money.
Advance Tax or ‘Pay as you earn’ tax is one which is paid advance and in installments rather than a payment at the top of the year. .
Advance tax is applicable for all those whose tax liability is quite Rs. 10, 000 during the financial year. .
The advance tax is paid to the government because it is earned, and is an attempt of the government to receive a continuing flow of tax receipts throughout the year, rather than a payment at the top of the year.
Advance Tax or ‘Pay as you earn’ tax is one which is paid advance and in installments rather than a payment at the top of the year. .
Advance tax is applicable for all those whose tax liability is quite Rs. 10, 000 during the financial year. .
The advance tax is paid to the government because it is earned, and is an attempt of the government to receive a continuing flow of tax receipts throughout the year, rather than a payment at the top of the year.