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Private Limited Company is the most popular form of starting a business, there are various compliance which are required to be followed once Company is incorporated.
The ministry of corporate affairs has released a mandatory complete MCA compliance chart for the mandatory forms coming under the MCA rules and regulations.
The table below provides complete details of the forms in the MCA compliance chart, along with their purpose, applicability, and relevant due dates. Now let us understand all those forms with their purpose, due date, applicability, and penalty (if applicable):
Name of E-Form/Return | Purpose of E-Form/Return | Due Date of Filing | Due Date for FY 2020-21 |
DIR-8 | Every Director of the Company in each financial year will file with the company disclosure of non-disquali-fication | – | 31/03/2020 |
MBP-1 | Every Director of the Company in first Meeting of the Board of Directors in each financial year shall disclose his interest in other entities | – | At the 1st Board Meeting in every Financial year;ANDAt the Board Meeting held immediately after change in such interest, if any |
DIR-3 KYC/KYC | Any Person Having Din as On 31 March Is Required To File DIR-3 KYC/WEB KYC | 6 months from TheClosure of FinancialYear | 30/09/2021 |
DPT-3 | Annual Return of Deposit And Exempted Deposit | 3 Months from TheClosure of FinancialYear | 30/06/2021 |
MSME | Half yearly return with the registrar in respect of outstanding payments to Micro or Small Enterprise. | Within a month for eachhalf of the year, exceeding 45 days | 30/04/2021 (forOctober 2019 to March2021) 31/10/2021 (April 2021to September 2021) |
BEN-2 | Return to the Registrar in respect of declaration under section 90 (Declaration of Beneficial Owner) | Every Company shall filea return of significantbeneficial owners of theCompany and changestherein with the Registrarcontaining names,addresses and otherdetails. | 30 days from thereceipt of Declarationin Form BEN-1 |
ADT-1 | Appointment of Auditor | if applicable 15 days from theconclusion of the AGM(In case of OPC with 15 days from the date of a board meeting) | 14.10.2021(*If AGM is30.09.2021) |
Form AOC-4 andForm AOC-4CFS (in case ofConsolidatedfinancialstatements) | Filing of Annual Accounts | 30 days from theconclusion of the AGM (In case of OPC within 180 days from the close of the financial year) | 29.10.2021(*If AGM is30.09.2021) |
MGT-7 | Filing of Annual Return | 60 days from theconclusion of AGM ( In case of OPC within 180 days from the close of the financial year) | 29.11.2021(*If AGM is30.09.2021) |
CRA-4 | Filing of Cost Audit Report | 30 days from the receiptof Cost Audit Report | 30 days from thereceipt of Cost AuditReport |
MGT-14- For Approval of Annual Accounts | Filing of resolutions with MCA regarding Board Report and Annual Accounts | 30 days from the date of Board Meeting | 30 days from the date of Board Meeting |
Form AOC-4(XBRL) | Filing of Annual Accounts in XBRL mode | 30 days from the conclusion of the AGM | 29.10.2021 (*If AGM is30.09.2021) |